Raw Materials

With a comprehensive raw material
evaluation we help you to recognize
the potential of your raw material.

Raw material evaluation


You have a great new raw material, but you are not sure what it can do? Has your new active ingredient been on the market for a few years and sales revenues are falling? Or have you invented something and would like to turn it into a market product?

With a comprehensive raw material evaluation, we help you to recognize the potential of your raw material.

The potential of many raw materials and active ingredients is often not fully exploited. Of course, it is easy to position a new raw material with an outstanding application. However, our experience shows that many raw material manufacturers do not know what kind of uncut diamond they are selling there. In addition, it promotes sales and is very interesting for the respective developer if there are new findings or synergies with existing raw materials. These ultimately lead to new ideas and product claims.

In addition, a well-known raw material is “listed” in the company and can be used quickly and easily for new products. With a new raw material, however, the same question is always asked: What is better? Which properties are more outstanding compared to the state of the art? What evidence is there?

If you manage to further develop your well-known raw materials and present new research results, your “old” raw material will always remain up-to-date and innovative.


Consulting – included for customers

We support you with a wide range of services from the procurement of raw materials to product manufacturing to filling and shipping. We offer a high degree of expertise in various chemical fields, along with flexibility, speed and process-oriented consulting, all of which make us the ideal full-service partner for all of your needs in the field of chemical raw materials, intermediate and end products.


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