
We see our contribution to more
sustainability as part of our
value chain.

Our way to more sustainability


As a distributor of chemicals and ingredients, EMM HPC plays a central role in the value chain of the chemical industry. This function creates great potential for EMM HPC, but also the obligation to make a contribution to more sustainability in the industry. We are aware of the responsibility associated with our business activities and our market position and we want to achieve sustainable added value.

For years, issues of sustainability such as safety, health and environmental protection, resource efficiency and unconditional adherence to laws and rules (compliance) have been deeply rooted in our company. They determine our behavior towards our employees, suppliers and customers as well as society and have a direct influence on our business success.

We strive to take into account the effects of our economic activity on the environment and society in day-to-day business as well as in strategic decisions. To this end, we have established appropriate standards and processes in our international corporate structures. The employees of EMM HPC are continuously sensitized to this topic and trained accordingly. Sustainability is therefore a fundamental principle that is lived in the day-to-day business of EMM HPC. The aim is to continuously develop our sustainability strategy globally.


Consulting – included for customers

We support you with a wide range of services from the procurement of raw materials to product manufacturing to filling and shipping. We offer a high degree of expertise in various chemical fields, along with flexibility, speed and process-oriented consulting, all of which make us the ideal full-service partner for all of your needs in the field of chemical raw materials, intermediate and end products.


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